Visit to sericulture

Sericulture The rearing of silkworm in cmmerical scale to produce silk is called sericulture. I am sharing my some of knowledge i got on kavre sericulture on friday we went there from school. Mainly two species are commonly reared in Nepal seri silkworm and eri silkworm. its concept was first introduce in china. The mulberry silk moth is domesticated insect its is not found in wild forest. It lives on mulberry Tree and feed on its leaves.there are four stages of silkworm egg larva pupa adult 1.Egg It is first stage of life cycle of silkworm female silkmoth lays 300 pin head size egg at once eggs are incubated at 18 degree to 25 degree for 2 weeks which we got to know there here in picture we can see that in that paper there is about more than a lakh eggs of silkworm. 2.Larva It is non reproductive stage of silkworm. It is feeding stage in which larva eat and grow. it also consists 5 stage and they need to feed more in this larval stage. As we can...